Silver Streak to the J Line (Metro Silver)
Combined service from Foothill Transit and Metro makes it easy for you to pick a bus – any bus.
If you ride Foothill Transit’s Silver Streak or Metro’s J Line (Silver) between El Monte Station and downtown LA, you have options! Silver Streak to J Line (Silver) lets you ride whichever line you want — Foothill Transit Silver Streak or Metro J Line (Silver) — if you pay with a Foothill Transit Pass or a Metro pass.
Next time you get to your bus stop, you can just hop on the first bus that arrives, tap your Metro or Foothill Transit pass, and you’re on your way!
Note: special promotional passes are not eligible for the Silver Streak to the J Line (Silver) program.
The map below shows how Foothill Transit’s Silver Streak and Metro’s J Line (Silver) combine to create one of the longest and fastest lines in the county. Foothill Transit and Metro passes may be used interchangeably at the shared stops between El Monte Station and downtown LA.