Displaying 1 - 10 of 42
Foothill Transit To Operate Discontinued Metro Lines 190, 194, And 270
… Metro Lines 190, 194, And 270 … Foothill Transit To Operate Discontinued Metro Lines 190, 194, And 270 Foothill Transit is expanding its service in the San Gabriel Valley. (WEST COVINA, CA) June 8, 2016 – Foothill Transit will begin operating … Irwindale and El Monte, making stops at the Monrovia Gold Line Station and El Monte Station. “This service expansion is the largest our agency has experienced in the past 14 years,” said Doran Barnes, Executive Director of Foothill Transit. “What makes the transition even more exciting is that these lines provide important service to Cal Poly Pomona and Mt. San …
Site Policy
… Disclaimer And Limitation Of Liability This Site and all materials contained on it are distributed and transmitted “AS IS” without warranties of any kind, either express or implied, including without limitation, warranties of title or implied … e-mail addresses of users who voluntarily communicate with the organization via e-mail; aggregate information on what pages users access or visit; user-specific information on what pages users access or visit; and other information voluntarily provided by the user, such as survey information and/or …
Dear Gabby, What's Changing With Transfers?
… Dear Gabby, What's Changing With Transfers? … Dear Gabby, What's Changing With Transfers? Gabby has been wanting to share and answer the hundreds of questions you send to her every day. And now she can! Gabby is your source for the inside scoop on everything you ever needed to know about mastering the art of public transit. Email …
Foothil Transit To Operate Discontinued Metro Lines 190, 192, And 270
… Metro Lines 190, 192, And 270 … Foothil Transit To Operate Discontinued Metro Lines 190, 192, And 270 Foothill Transit is expanding its service in the San Gabriel Valley. (WEST COVINA, CA) June 8, 2016 – Foothill Transit will begin operating … Irwindale and El Monte, making stops at the Monrovia Gold Line Station and El Monte Station. “This service expansion is the largest our agency has experienced in the past 14 years,” said Doran Barnes, Executive Director of Foothill Transit. “What makes the transition even more exciting is that these lines provide important service to Cal Poly Pomona and Mt. San …
Dear Gabby, How Do You Plan Detours?
… Dear Gabby, How Do You Plan Detours? … Dear Gabby, How Do You Plan Detours? Gabby is here to share and answer the hundreds of questions you send to her every day. She's your source for the inside scoop on … Rerouting a bus line is not nearly as quick or as easy, but we have just as many road obstacles as cars do. So what does it take to plan a detour for a Foothill Transit bus line? Just like everything else we do here, our first job is to … we learn about closures from awesome customers like you. You rock! When we find out about a closure, we need to know what streets are closed and when it’s expected to begin and end. Roads are often closed long before an event starts and long …
How Taking Transit Can Help Save Your New Year's Resolution
… driving can reduce expenses in a number of surprising ways. AAA estimates that the average cost per mile of driving a car is about $0.58. For a 20-mile round-trip commute by car, that works out to $11.60. Compared to that amount, taking public … Do you have to pay for parking? How much time do you spend searching for parking? How much does your car insurance cost? What are your annual repairs and maintenance expenses? What are your yearly costs for license, registration, and taxes? How much does the value of your car depreciate every year? …