Back to School Bus Safety Tips
These safety tips can make getting to and from school an easier, safer experience.
It's time to hit the books!
Head up, phone down
Be aware of your surroundings. Using a phone or other device while crossing the street or standing near traffic is dangerous. Do not use noise-blocking headphones or ear buds while walking. Look left, right, and left again before crossing the street, and only cross at crosswalks.
Getting on the bus
When waiting for the bus, stay away from traffic, and avoid activity that could unintentionally lead to falling or pushing somebody into traffic. Wait until the bus has stopped and its doors have opened before approaching the bus.
Be on your best bus behavior
When riding, refrain from speaking loudly or making loud noises that could distract the bus operator. Remain seated, or hold on if standing, and keep the aisles clear of books and bags.
Getting off the bus
Gather your belongings before reaching your stop. When exiting, use the handrail, and move away from the bus to avoid blocking other exiting riders. If crossing in front of the bus, walk at least 10 feet ahead until you are certain you and the bus operator can see each other.